Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Hey Y'all!
We are back from our Thanksgiving trip to FL and wanted to share with you a video of our fun:

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Giving Thanks

One of my favorite times of the year is Thanksgiving, I love the cooler weather, family and friends coming together and of course the desserts!  This year Adam and I will be celebrating our first Thanksgiving together at my parents house in Tampa, FL.  It is this time of year that we start to really appreciate and be grateful for all we have in life.  Really though we should be giving thanks and gratitude in our daily lives.   I was reminded today that when you feel entitled you can not feel grateful and we are not entitled to anything.  We are not guaranteed nor do we deserve things in life  so we should be thankful for everything that we do get blessed with. We are not looking forward to the 12 hour drive but we are grateful to get to spend the week with my family, friends and of course see my love nugget, Diesel!
My handsome son Diesel -  A face only a mother could love!

The "Robinson Bake Off" is a tradition that was started a few years ago is also the highlight of Thanksgiving.   Each year family and friends submit a home made entry into the bake off and is judged by everyone in attendance.  The winning entry gets a wonderful medal and of course the bragging rights for the best baked good for the year to come!  As the reigning champion I feel a lot of pressure to come up with the very best dessert to defend my title.  Yesterday I did a run though with two recipes that I found in Southern Living that from the pictures looked very tasty. Thank goodness for that run though, because neither possibility would have been worthy of the win.  Here are the two recipes that I tried:
Banana Foster Upside Down Cake

Pumpkin-Pecan Cheesecake with Praline Topping
So since neither recipe is going to be my entry the search for the prize winning dessert is still on!  Usually I know what I am making and have done a trial run though of my entry by now, this year I am seriously behind schedule.  Whatever I come up with I am sure it will be delisious, and hopefully award winning! 

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Run Baby Run

It is official!
No we are not having a baby, at least not yet, but we are running in the County Music half marathon on April 28, 2012.  It was a decision we made together as a way to keep ourselves motivated with our weight-loss goals.  It is so difficult for us both to stay on track with our healthy habits when football snacks are so delicious and with Thanksgiving and Christmas on the near horizon our willpower is being put to test.  We have about 23 weeks to get back into half marathon shape which is a feat I am sure we can both accomplish.  My first and only other half marathon I ran was the Women's Half Marathon this past October with a finish time of 2 hours, 9 minutes and 29 seconds.  This time I am hoping that with Adam running along side of me we can break the 2 hour mark.  I have never been a runner and growing up you would find me as far away from the heat and the asphalt as possible, the ice was my home.  Skating made me feel graceful, empowered, competitive, strong and free, and I miss that a lot.  When I stopped skating I really desired that competitiveness still and surprisingly for a girl that hated running, it has been running that brought that competitiveness back in my life.  Any family and friends that want to come cheer Adam and I on, we would love to any and all of you here!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

One Month

Adam and I celebrated our one month anniversary yesterday.  Well we didn't really celebrate, Adam was out of town for work but non the less it was our one month anniversary.  It is still hard to believe that one month has gone by already.  It really does just seem like yesterday that I was walking down the aisle and saying 'I Do' to my now husband.  Marrying my best friend of course will always be the stand out memory of  10/8/11 but I thought it would be great to reminisce a little bit about some of my other favorite moments of the day.

1. Hearing Adams personal vows and sharing mine with him is such a stand out memory of the day.  Writing our own personal vows with each other was a decision that Adam and I though was very important and a great way to make the ceremony more personal.  After hearing Adams vows and reading mine to him I knew that we made the right choice and I recommend it to anyone getting married in the future.

2. Another favorite moment of both Adam and I was having all our family and close friends together for one day to celebrate with Adam and I.  We were so amazed by the number of people that traveled so far to TN for our wedding.  It was overwhelming in a positive way, and we both love and thank you all!

3. Fried Chicken!  I still have people telling me how amazing the fried chicken was at the reception and that they want to visit TN again just to eat the fried chicken.  I am so glad that I fought to have that on the menu, Max at Pucketts was right, it is amazing chicken!!!

4.  My dress!  Not everyone knows the drama of my dress so here is the cliff notes version.  After getting engaged I did what most brides to be do, make dress shopping appointments.  After a long day of trying on about 50 dresses I finally decided on the LAST dress I tried on and bought it.  After taking a moment to breath and really think about my purchase, I wasn't happy with my decision.  A month before the wedding my good friend Michelle came to town to help with wedding plans, little did either of us know that in that weekend I would find my dream dress.  We went shopping at a store that was going out of business and found my beautiful dress!  It was the only one I tried on that day and I wasn't expecting to buy a new dress, but I fell in love with it!  It was the perfect dress for me and I absolutely still love it! 

5. Singing & Dancing!  For about 2 days after the wedding both Adam and I had a raspy voice from all the singing, well lets be honest its more like shouting and howling, that we were doing at the reception.  We both had so much fun and our band Stretta really knew how to get our wedding guests on the dance floor.  Bon Jovi's “Livin’ on a Prayer" will forever remind Adam and I of our wedding day!

Marrying Adam was the easiest decision I have ever made, he is the love of my life.  Now on to more difficult decisions, house shopping!  Here are a couple of picture of beautiful horses I saw in Franklin yesterday for you all to enjoy!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Laugh it up!

In an attempt to be funny my parents sent Adam and I this the other day:

 Here is our response to their stab at comedy:
Well there you have it folks, we may just be the funniest family ever. 
I want to also add that I think my husband looks pretty darn sexy in glasses :)

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Are you ready for some football?!

Growing up as a northerner I was raised with football on Sundays watching the pros show everyone how it is done.  But things are definitely different when you are living in and south and married to a real southerner.  Saturday is the real day of football, its when the Dawgs, Vols, Tigers, Gaters and the Roll Tide take the center stage.  I'm leaning all kinds of new things about college football; there are many different divisions,  one foot in bounds is sufficient when catching a TD instead of two and the biggest difference is that going to a game is more like a fashion show for college kids.  Apparently as a Smith I must learn to love the SEC and find some super cute red and black game day outfits, GO DAWGS!  In honor of the big game last night (#1 LSU and #2 UA) I whipped up some treats to entertain a couple of friends and brush up on my southern hospitality charm.  Here are a few things I made:
Sweet Tea - Adam was sure to tell me the right way to make Tea

Rice Crispy Treats with Chocolate on top.  We didn't have LSU or UA color sprinkles so we improvised

Football Chocolate covered Strawberries

8 Layer Dip - Yummy!

Pop Em Like There Hot - Bacon, Cream Cheese & Jalapeno in a Crescent Roll.

Turkey Meatballs for Meatball Subs!

So it wasn't the healthiest munchies that I have ever made, but they sure were delicious!  By the way all of these recipes are from Pintrest.  If you dont know what Pintrest is, check it out, but I dont take responsibility for the addiction you may have to it.  Enjoy everyone! 

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

On the road....

Happy November and sorry for the delay of update to anyone out there actually reading this blog. Adam and I took our show on the road this week and last. Well really Adam is working and I'm along for the ride. One of the perks of not working right now, I get to travel around with my husband. I'm sure there are some women that probably enjoy the breaks they get when their husbands go away for work but I can honestly say I love when I get to spend any and all time with Adam.  Maybe that's the newlywed effect but I hope it lasts! I am so truly blessed to have married my best friend.

In our travels we got to stop in Charlotte, NC for the weekend to see our nieces and nephew Trick Or Treat. It is so cute to see the kids dressed up and all jacked up on sugar. It was pretty awesome seeing how close they all are as cousins. It reminded me of all my cousins going to Nana's house to trick or treat. Our costumes would always get ruined by having to layer on winter coats and accessories over our costumes, there was always one house that would give out full size candy bars that we would try to get there fast, the trading candy at the end of the night and who could forget my brother always having some sort of melt down about his costume or candy. All in all trick or treating was always a great family event and I hope that when Adam and I decide to make his table for two a table for three that we can continue to make it a family event with their cousins.

Today we are in eastern TN where Adam has some accounts to visit. While Adam is hard at work I am actually getting a lot done as well. I have almost completed our thank you cards, phew! We were so blessed that not only so many of our friends and family were able to come to our wedding but that that also gave us gifts. It was more than we could have wished for.

Ohhhh!!!! Our wedding photos are done!!! Family and friends that want to see just shoot me an email and I will send you the link to check them out.

Well back to writing thank you cards, I'll keep everyone posted soon!