Friday, October 21, 2011

I am Mrs. Smith...good think I know how to bake!

The process to get your name changed is actually more complicated that I thought it would be.  I thought there was a one stop shop, a simple form to fill out, or a magician that magically could make Miss. Robinson change to Mrs. Smith.  This is not such the case I have learned.  It is a process that takes multiple stops and today was the first stop on the name change train. Today I went to the social security office to get my name legally changed to Kerri Lynne Smith!  It was a painless experience although it was so strange when the women handed my my confirmation paper and said "Here you go Mrs, Smith".  I thought, who is this Mrs Smith?  I looked over my shoulder to see if another woman was behind me but then it clicked, I AM MRS. SMITH!  Next stop the DMV

Adam has been working so hard to get caught up with work, it is amazing what missing one week of work will do.  I am also super excited to announce that Adam will be pitching the first pitch at the Vanderbilt VS Cal State Fullerton baseball game on Sunday!!!  I will be sure to get it on video and share next week. 

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