Friday, March 9, 2012

Easy Come...Easy Go

There has been a change to my busy life, after one month of employment with the most unique, interesting and dare I say insane company I was told that they don't have enough work for me and let me go.  The phrase "It has nothing to do with your talent and your ability to do great work" sounds a lot to me like "Its not you, Its me" in some cliche bad breakup. After the sheer shock, embarrassment and tiny bit of anger wore off I actually felt a bit relieved.  I knew that this was not going to me my forever job, and I was constantly day dreaming about anything I would rather be doing than staring at a computer designing presentations. 
I have been told to "Do what you want, do what makes you happy", why does that request seem so difficult to me?  I am happy, I am so beyond blessed in my life, but why cant I at 30 something figure out what I want to do with my life.  There are so many things I love to do but why cant I figure out how to make that my career.  I love sewing, crafting, cooking, yoga, pets, babies, event planning, organizing, interior designing and so much more!  My husband says If only I could find a way to make Pintrest (By the way follow me on Pintrest) my job, I would be a millionaire!  But maybe he is on to something, why cant I make those things my job.  I think I have come to the conclusion that I am not going to be happy if I am working for someone else other than myself.  So until I figure that out I am going to be taking deep breaths and doing a lot of soul searching, good news is, I will be updating my blog more regularly! 
On a different note, please visit my friends blog: Studio Twenty-Two
Not just because I am the focus of her last post but because I think she is quite possibly one of the most talented people I know and I feel so lucky to have her in my life and to have been such a vital part of Adam and my wedding day!  She is also a thirty something women that has talent oozing out of her that has a job but desires to have a career in the the things she loves. 

Here are some pictures of our recent outings :)
Night out in Nashville for Women's SEC Basketball

Morning Walk in our Neighborhood - A Reminder of Gods Beauty

Date Night Out with my hubby!